Westhaven Honey
Westhaven Honey is a website dedicated to showcasing and selling local, raw honey produced by backyard beekeepers in Greenville, DE. The website emphasizes the uniqueness of their honey, which varies from season to season and year to year, depending on the blooming flowers and the bees’ foraging choices.
The homepage provides a brief introduction, highlighting their focus on producing limited supplies of wildflower honey that is truly local. They take pride in offering a product that is directly from their backyard to the customers’ tables.
Westhaven Honey highlights their family beekeeping endeavor, featuring a single beehive in their backyard. They involve their 7-year-old boys in the process, fostering a love for bees and honey. The website captures the joy and enthusiasm of their children as they participate in tending to the bees, extracting honey, and savoring its delicious taste.
The honey’s taste and color vary according to the seasons. Spring honey is described as light in color with a sweet floral flavor, primarily sourced from clover, tulip poplar, and other spring blooms. Summer honey, on the other hand, is amber in color and offers an almost caramel flavor. It is a blend of late spring blooms and a variety of wildflowers, fruit blossoms, and neighboring gardens’ flora.