Royal Bees and Honey

Royal Bees and Honey

Royal Bees and Honey is a website for a company that specializes in beekeeping and honey-related products. The website provides information about their products, contact details, and working hours.

The products featured on the website include a Triple Layer Ventilated Jacket, Hive Equipment such as built frames, and Live Honey Bees available as package bees or in 5-frame NUC form. There is also an option to purchase Live Queens.

The website mentions that some products may be out of stock, and prices are provided for each item. Customers can add products to their cart for easy purchasing.

The working hours are specified as appointments only from Monday to Sunday, with specific time slots on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

The website footer includes copyright information for Royal Bees and Honey, indicating that it is the intellectual property of the company.

Overall, Royal Bees and Honey appears to be a website that offers beekeeping supplies and products, including bees and equipment, for those interested in beekeeping and honey production.

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