Greenville Honey Company

One of the remarkable benefits of honey, as highlighted by Greenville Honey Company, is its potential to boost the immune system. The honey’s antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties may contribute to improved overall immune function, helping to keep you healthy and combat diseases. They suggest starting your day with a cleansing tonic made by mixing a spoonful of honey and lemon juice from half a lemon into a cup of warm water and then drinking it.
Greenville Honey Company offers a variety of honey options, including Wildflower and Tupelo honey. The Wildflower honey has a light, fruity taste, while Tupelo honey, a Southeastern specialty, originates from Florida and Georgia, where tupelo trees grow in the wild. It features a tropical scent and a complex berry-like flavor with hints of bitterness and sourness that complement its inherent sweetness. Moreover, Greenville Honey Company takes pride in producing honey that rarely crystallizes.
The website allows customers to conveniently shop for their desired honey products, including different jar sizes. From 12 oz. Honey Bears to larger jars like the 80 oz. (Half Gallon) Jar and even 5-gallon pails of wildflower honey, there are options for every preference and need. Their mission is to provide the best and highest quality honey products, always keeping their customers’ satisfaction as their top priority.
Greenville Honey Company shares their journey and history, starting with the purchase of their first hive and the valuable guidance they received from local bee vendors and beekeeping clubs. They now manage multiple hives across the upstate region of South Carolina, thanks to their passion for bees, beekeeping, and honey.