Aquidneck Honey

Aquidneck Honey

Aquidneck Honey is a honey brand that offers various honey products. Their website provides information about the brand, their products, and how to contact them.

The homepage features the brand’s name, contact information including a phone number and email address, and links to their Facebook and Twitter pages. It also displays a menu with options such as Home, Specials, Promotions, Our Shop, Honey Products, Wood Shop, Account, Contact, Cart, and Checkout.

The website highlights the importance of bees, farms, and food, emphasizing the connection between honeybees and agriculture.

There is a section that provides more information about Aquidneck Honey, introducing “Jeff the Beeman” who started keeping honeybees in 1996 in Newport, RI. The section mentions Jeff’s grandfather’s talent and passion for agriculture that inspired him.

The website showcases their products, including various sizes of gift boxes and promotions such as buying three 1lb honey jars and receiving a free 1/2 pound of plain honey or a jar of Ceylon Cinnamon. They also introduce Ceylon Cinnamon honey made in Sri Lanka and offer the option to add cinnamon to honey during checkout.

Visitors can sign up for Aquidneck Honey’s exclusive email list to receive special news, events, and coupons. The website mentions that they prioritize the privacy of their subscribers’ information.

There are also posts from their Facebook page displayed on the website, featuring updates and photos related to their honey products.

Contact information is provided, including the phone number and email address. Visitors can fill out a contact form with their name, email address, and message to get in touch with Aquidneck Honey. The website mentions that their headquarters are located at 429 Crandall Rd, Tiverton, RI 02878, and advises visitors to call prior to heading there to ensure someone is available.

Overall, Aquidneck Honey is a brand that offers various honey products. Their website provides information about the brand, showcases their products, offers promotions, and allows visitors to contact them for inquiries or place orders.

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